I mean if I am searching for something and a post is dated 3 years ago I will skip it, but if it is current within a year or so I will read through.
You can make all your post timeless, by doing a little work in your blog settings.
The Blogger version is pretty simple.
Go into your settings menu, then click on language and formatting.
Date header: is where you can choose your option to only show the day of the week the post was published instead of the day/month/year format.
Timestamp Format: Is where you adjust the time the post was written, rather than 12:89pm date/month/year format.
The comment section is important also, I always read the date when a comment was posted so do the same for then too.
Comment Timestamp Format: Make sure you set the time to the same and the timestamp format above in the last step.
Click save settings and your posts are timeless :)
This is not a good format for blogs about things pertaining to time and dates.
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