Showing posts with label Disqus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Disqus. Show all posts


Adding Disqus to Blogger the right way and trouble shooting.

If you follow this blog then you know I have been trying to install a different commenting system to my blogs.

I recently went through some changes on both of my blogs, I changed the layouts on both and I wanted a easier way to communicate with my readers and I felt Disqus was the way to go, however this wasn't as easy as the website claims, for me it wasn't anyway.

Adding Disqus to Blogger the right way and trouble shooting.

If you are having problems installing Disqus to your Blogger hosted blog please keep reading.

These are the steps you need for a successful installation of Disqus.

Adding Disqus to Blogger the right way and trouble shooting.

First blogger configurations.

Turn off Google+ commenting
Allow anyone to comment
No captcha
Comments Embedded.

Adding Disqus to Blogger the right way and trouble shooting.

Disqus Configurations.

1. Sign up for the service you can do that by going here

2. Go to add Disqus to your site in your admin panel and add all the required fields.

3. Go to the setting tab while in the Admins section, a drop box will appear with a list of the blogs you have added.

4. Click the blog you would like to ad disqus to.

5. Click the install tab and choose your platform, for this tutorial we are going to go with blogger.

6. You will see that the second option is to import your comments. This is something you will want to do at this point. So import them to Disqus now by clicking the import link, this will take you through a few screens asking for permission to import your blogs comments say yes to both. One will be for taking the comments and the other will be for giving the comments. Disqus and blogger have to know each other before they can dance together. Once imported move on to the next step.

7. Click on the 1st option Add (blog name) to blogger site.

8. This will take you to a screen where you will add the widget to your blog follow the steps and voila!
Disqus is now apart of your blog, but you may not see it right away. Why? Lets read on.

Trouble shooting

Here are a few issues nobody tells you about for installing Disqus to blogger.

Disqus takes your comments very seriously and wants them protected, so they need to trust blogger and how does Disqus trust blogger? You tell them to trust blogger. How do you do that?

Go back to your settings tabs in Disqus.
Click the Advanced tab
In the third section of options you will see a trusted domains text box.
Type your domain without the http://www.
So you will type it like this YOURSITE.COM or YOURSITE.BLOGSPOT.COM if you have a custom domain with hosting from blogger add both of them.

Another thing to do is make sure your website name is spelled the same way on your blog.
If your site is (My Fancy Website) it cannot be (my fancy website) on Disqus, both have to match exactly.

Once you do all these things do steps 2 through 8 again.

I also have noticed that it takes Disqus a few minuets to appear on a newly published post so don't freak out yet. Check you older posts to see if it is there.

I hope this helps installing Disqus to your Blog.
If you have any trouble please let me know.

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My YouTube channel updates!

Hi Everyone! I hope all your holidays are going well!

I recently joined a Facebook group called YouTube beauty gurus.
I left a message on the board introducing myself and my channel and I got 8 new subbies from their in the first few minuets after my post.

I now stand at 181 YouTube subscribers. My channel is
Check it out and sub if you can I always sub back.

I am unsure what the invitation process is but I am sure they are accepting new members, it a great group and they are very supportive so far.

They do have some group rules though, Saturday and Sunday are the only days you can promote your channel in the group. The rest of the week they exchange ideas and tips for your channels so definitely check them out. YouTubeBeautyGurus.

Also I had a mix up with They are a blogging network for women. I copied one of my recent posts to their site and it was blocked for spam or what they thought was spam. I thought is was about my post. The subject matter of the post was wearing makeup while doing the nasty. And I thought they blocked it for that reason, but it was a system thing, We got it all straightened out and my account was reinstated.
This is a great site to connect with other bloggers and they have amazing women giving great advice on anything from family to blogging.

I tried to add livefyre to my blog, Livefyre is a commenting system just like Disqus. I really hate the Google/Blogger commenting system and want to change but I don;t know much about code to add it without screwing anything up, so I am going to stay with blogger comments with everything turned off.

So those are my updates for this week.

If you liked this post please like & Share. It Makes me happy :) Laurie M.


Blogger and Google+ Monopoly

I have been on a mission with my blog concerning comments. I want everyone to be able to comment on my posts not only google+ users. This has been a fight to the finish and alas Google+ has won. For now.
Image source

I fought with this widget for 3 hours today, I tell no lies!
I editing code, changed my template, went through blogger and around blogger and still nothing.

Google+ is making it very hard for anyone with a blog through blogger to comment through anything except Google+

What if I hate Google+? What if my readers hate Google+? Are they expecting us to convert people and force them to sign up for a Google+ account?

Now fair! And I will see my way around the monopoly Google has on this commenting system.
I changed my setting in the comments to remove google+ comments and they were all erased, so I had to add it back to get my comments back. What's up with that?

Also I added my site to feed burner, there is life out there beyond Twitter, Facebook and Google+.
I also added my blog to feedly, there is a follow button somewhere on this blog maybe to your right.

I have been excepted on the shespeaks network, it is supposed to be good for bloggers but it doesn't allow you to import your blog to the site like Lucky or Glipho. I Think two blogs is enough.

If you would like info on how to get a feed for your blog let me know and I will do a step by step tutorial.

If you liked this post please like & Share it's free :)
Laurie M.