
Blog, Comments, Views and Subscribers. Are they really that important?

Hello, My Beauties!

I am sitting here face unwashed with not an ounce of coffee, because I had to share something with you, that I feel is very important to us as bloggers. Comments! Yes we want our little nuggets of advice and our views read and and responded to, but are comments really that important to our blogs? Actually no they aren't. 

Blog, Comments, Views and Subscribers. Are they really that important?

They have no value to our blogs rank on any search engine ever, the only person they benefit in anyway is the person commenting, because they can leave a link behind if they choose to do so. What is important however is the view count or how many visits your blog gets. Think about this for a moment. How many websites are out there that get millions of views, but not a single comment?

For instance. lets look at Amazon.com Only after a purchase to you actually comment on this site if you choose to do so. Another big name site is Sephora.com, yes a lot of visits, but not as many comments.

Think about this for a second. The only people who are actually commenting on your blog post are other bloggers and they are just as busy as you are! Yes they are nice and they let me know that I am doing something right, but they aren't what I am going after. I want a high view count and subscribers.

A high view count and subscribers is what will help your blog grow more then anything else out there. 
That's where quality blog posts and helpful content come in. 

Always try to be helpful or give some type of advice in every post.
Review anything and everything within your niche.
Subscribe to other blogs, comment, etc. and if they are human they will return the favor.
Blogging is a very Karmic thing, what you give is what you receive.

So if you aren't bombarded with comments don't feel bad, look at your view count. 
Thats whats important here. And thats what gets your blog out there. The comments will come, right now just concentrate on people hearing or reading your content.

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  1. Tanya LovetereTuesday, May 06, 2014

    Great post! I never really thought about it that way!

  2. Wonderful post! I have been thinking about this for quite some time. I think all bloggers try to juggle the influence of comments, views and subscribers. At the end of the day, we are all blogging for ourselves and just want to share our passions with the world!

  3. I have actually more and more "real" comments on my blog from people who do not write a blog. It slowly comes. Well- it just feels good to know that someone out there reads my posts and I did not write it for nothing! LOL. While I wish that my site is as big and has as many visitors as Amazon or Sephora- it simply has not! Kisses, Sissi

  4. Great Post
    This Sets Me At Ease A Little Bit
    Although Comments are Nice to Have
    Thanks For Sharing Sweetie

  5. Preach on m'lady! Totally love a good comment now and again but am much more married to my google analytics account to let me know how I'm doing lol.

  6. Yeah, page views > comments of course, but on a personal level I just really like reading the comments on my blog. Stats are what matter, I know that, but it's still really nice to know that people are taking the time to leave a message behind, just for you. Part of the fun of blogging is the interaction for me, and the social contact.

  7. LOL I hear yea on that one! I love interacting with my readers and fellow bloggers as well. Thanks for stopping by!

  8. LMAO!! that thing is addicting!! I am always watching it! Thanks for stopping by my love :)

  9. Thanks my love :) yes they are nice, but not necessary :)

  10. LOL I think you will be just as big as those places!! everybody loves you haha, maybe I smell or something haha!

  11. Exactly! we do this for ourselves and if others want to be apart of that the more the merrier! Thanks for the visit :)

  12. I have to! if not I will go insane haha :)
