
Urban Decays Shining Star

Hello, My Beauties!

First of all I want to say, I can't believe that I got a response so quickly from the Lovely Michelle Andrea over at How cool of a blog name is that haha! Anyhoo She Asked:

Question:What are/is your favorite versatile 
neutral eyeshadow pallette(s) and why?

After reading this question and saying it a loud, only one thing came to mind. 
The Urban Decay Naked 2 Palette.I mean look at it, it screams sexy, don't you think?

You can create a bagillion looks with it and never have the same look twice, you can use these shadows at liners and lip colors. Now I know everyone is on their Naked 3 Rampage, But I personally feel you can go a lot further with this palette and still be in the neutral zone.

In the words of Austin powers fasha "I love Gold!". haha :)

So, I am asking the Question to anyone who wants to join in on the "World's Largest Beauty Collab!"

Question: What's the deepest Red lip color you own and why?

If you would like to be apart of the Worlds Largest Beauty Collab All you have to do is:

1. Create a post answering my question.
2. Leave a Link in your post to the questioner ( Example in response to:
3. Ask a question at the bottom of your post. 
4. Copy this  Highlighted text and paste it at the bottom of your post for others to join in.
5. Come back to this post and type replied in the comments with a link to your post.

I created a button so you can feature your post on your blog :)

Lets keep the Conversation going!

Andrea You are too sweet, Thanks for the kind words. I hope this picks up and doesn't confuse people!!

In Response to Michelle at

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The World's Largest Beauty Collab!

Hello, my beauties!

I was sitting here going through twitter and other social medias and I noticed that everyone is either recommending either a recent post or their blog in general. And I got to thinking, how is it that we can all be able to help other bloggers get the views, comments and follows they want or lets face it need.

Then I thought, what do we have in common? Makeup and beauty. 
Okay, Now how do we communicate? Through our blogs.


The World's Largest Beauty Collab!

Now, this isnt a tag, because lets face it, I think we are tagged out and we pretty much see that same answers everywhere!

This is going to be an actual Conversation on a subject we all love! Makeup and Beauty!

If you would like to be apart of the Worlds Largest Beauty Collab All you have to do is:

1. Create a post answering my question.
2. Leave a Link in your post to the questioner ( Example in response to:
3. Ask a question at the bottom of your post. 
4. Copy this  Highlighted text and paste it at the bottom of your post for others to join in.

5. Come back to this post and type replied in the comments with a link to your post.

This way I have to come to your blog to respond with a post and this will go on and on and it creates a chain reaction. No tagging, anyone can respond to anyone, from anywhere in the world! 
Just make sure to leave a question at the end of your post concerning the post.

Ask your followers to be apart of it too! Just copy and paste the highlighted text above at the bottom of your post, Lets do this!

Here is a button to feature your post on your blog!

So how about it? Are you in?  Great lets begin!

Question:  What brand of makeup do you have the most of and why?

Can't wait to visit your blog and read your awesome answers!

Also if there is anything you think we should add to this let me know!

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How I Prep my Skin for Makeup

Hello, Beautiful!

I am so happy that this bad weather is finally behind us and I can wear my tube tops again! I am a big tube top fan, I pick them up whenever I see them. With the summer fast approaching and watching the Coachella events on T.V and social media I have to admit, I got the fever! 

The looks that some celebrities wore to this event inspired me to create a Bohemian endless summer look. But before any product touched my face I knew I had to prepare my face to get that true endless summer look. 

How I prep My Skin For Makeup

I have combination skin and I mean combination, I have oily or shiny moments in the T zone, then absolute desert dryness on the sides, especially under my eyes, it is something I am struggling with. My eyes get severely dry and it shows up with fine lines and wrinkles.

Something similar to this! haha.

Looking at me naturally you can see them, but when I apply makeup or concealer for my dark circles anything and everything finds their way into the cracks of my eyes, so I have learned a few tricks to help.

I learned that it is not the concealers job to fight my fine lines and wrinkles, its mine!
I have to hydrate that area. No matter what I plan on applying in that area it going to enhance those lines they are to deep to cover. So hydration is key here.

I apply 2 oils and 1 eye cream and so far its helping, no not a miracle, but its better than nothing.

As far as the rest of my face I do apply my serums, anything I can to keep my skin hydrated especially before makeup, thats when the truth comes out! Your makeup will move on oily areas and completely flake away on dry areas.

I put together this video showing you how I prep my face for makeup.

Here are some pictures of the Bohemian Endless Summer Look I created after I prepped my face. I will have a tutorial on the hair and makeup for this look up soon. 
Click here to see if it's ready  My YouTube Channel.

I cannot wait for summer! So excited. Thanks for stopping by Xoxo

Are Bohemians Hippies?

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Beauty News Network - SkinCare

Hiding Blemishes, Acne, DIY recipes

Hello, my lovelies!

Another episode of Beauty News Network went up and I am super excited about this one. This episode talks about skin care, with summer right around the corner how can we not talk about skin care!

I featured three amazing women in this video, Kallie from But, first Coffee, Laure Lee from her youtube channel and Veronica Gorgeous, I think I miss spelled her name twice in the video, so sorry, it was late and I was blinded by old age hehe :)

This video contains information about Acne, Blemishes, Exfoliation, Moisturizers and a segment on DIY recipes that can even harm are worsen your skin as well as DIY recipes that help and heal your precious skin. This is a video I put a lot of research into and hope you enjoy it!

Beauty News Network - SkinCare

I hope you like this weeks episode which includes a QOTD that I would love your feedback on!

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How to get rid of background noise in your videos

If you make or watch YouTube videos, then you know how annoying it can be when background noises interfere with the quality of your video. I am going to show you how to remove the noise from your videos using a free software called Audacity,
which can be downloaded on their website

How to get rid of background noise in your videos

Here is a video showing how to remove noise from your videos in just a few clicks.

Thanks for Visiting, If you liked this post please Like & Share. Please Leave me a comment it lets me know your there, leave your link behind :) Don't for forget to follow this blog! Follow on Bloglovin


How to Make a YouTube Banner.

YouTube channel banners are important even if you don't run a channel, but have a Youtube account. It lets people know you are a real person and it adds some personality to your channel. It you run a channel or planning on running a channel one day a banner is very important. Now sure you can put any image up there, but a personalized banner lets people know you mean business and helps with branding. Now, the tutorial.

First you are going to need some kind of image software. is great for this if you dont have one, I am using Pain jasc paint shop pro, its old, but it works and I create all my images with this software.

You will need to create 3 images for this tutorial in various sizes. 

How to Make a YouTube Banner.

1. Create a Image. 

 Sized at 2560 width by 1440 height. This will be the back ground for your image So use any color you like.

This is your first layer and should look like this.

2. Create a second Image.

Sized at 2560 width by 423 height. Give this image a different color to separate and add definition, you don't need to do this but it will help you see the different layers.

So after you have layer the two images you should have something that looks like this.

3. Create your banner! 

This is where you can get creative and design to you hearts content :)
This image should be sized at 1564 width by 423 height. 

So you should have something similar to this, but a lot nicer hehe :)

If you use You will have to layer the images using the overlays function. It is easier in a image editing program, but if you don't have one this is the best option for free. Also I do not recommend using MS paint for this as it can stretch out fonts and make them look weird.

Thanks for Visiting, If you liked this post please Like & Share. Please Leave me a comment it lets me know your there, leave your link behind :) Don't for forget to follow this blog! Follow on Bloglovin

When Swaps Go Bad

beauty swap

Hello, Beautiful!

Well, I changed the look of my blog again, I think I am addicted. Let me know what you think :)

I was on a social network earlier and I saw something that really upset me. Even though it had nothing to do with me, it upset me. Someone on the interwebs was complaining that they got stuck with a lot of products from the swap and they had to return the items because the other person either ditched or didn't want to swap anymore. I have been hearing a lot of negative stories about swaps. 

For those of you who don't know what a swap is. A swap is where to beauty junkies agree to spend a certain amount of money on items they want the other to try, then send off packages and either film or blog about the items received. Now, I have seen some pretty awesome swaps and I would love to do one soon I hope :) But, this is just so sad to hear and I wanted to share some tips I will follow, when I swap.

When Swaps Go Bad

Agree on a budget and stick to it.

Just because you go $50 over budget dont mean they will, so dont expect it.

Know your swappers style.

Send each other wish lists, tag each other on social media with the things the both of you like.

Chat often to check on progress, 

but keep items purchased to yourself.
If you feel the swapper isn't shopping then ask what's up on there end, maybe its money problems,
if so suggest the swap be put on hold for a while.

Swap with people you know.

Swap with someone you are familiar with, someone who hangs in your same or distant circles.
Someone who isn't going to want to screw you over.

Final Thoughts.

Beauty bloggers, gurus, junkies, addicts. Whatever you want to call us, this is how we support, play and get to know one another as a community. Anyone who is willing to hurt or harm their own reputation for a few products is a very low standing individual. 
We cant hurt each other or we will never stand. There I said it.

Would you swap with someone you didn't know?

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