
Why I wear Makeup Tag!

Okay, I have been tagged by 5 yes 5 Lovely ladies to do this tag! I love all my girls and I know if you visit their blogs you will love them too :)

This is a pretty short tag so to make it interesting by doing a Blogger spot light on those who tagged me, enjoy :).

Hope from Beauty and  Bliss! a 20 year old college student that is pursuing a career in Occupational Therapy with everything about beauty being my own type of "therapy." I love all the things the world of beauty has to offer, and I want to share that with you!

Sissi from Beauty4free2u a mommy, obviously a blogger, make-up lover, photographer, influenster, bzzagent and so much more! I am reviewing beauty items with my own quirky style, giving beauty tips from my perspective and also posting free beauty samples I find on the Internet!

Renny from Sincerely Renny A 19 year old beauty and fashion enthusiast who live in a small island country called Singapore.I started my blog on 1st May 2013 and has become an avid blogger ever since. I discuss everything about beauty, fashion and life.

Justina from Justina Who... 25 Years Old In Love With My Highschool Sweetheart Proud Mom To 2 Fur Babies Loves Fashion, Beauty Products, & DIY

Vero from VeroSays!  I'm undertaking this wonderful challenge of blogging my life. I hope you decide to stay a while and follow me in this journey.

These are some sweet, smart and good looking ladies so go check them out and tell them the Squid sent ya!
Now on to this TAG!

1. When did you begin loving makeup?
Oh, I was about 14 or 15.

2. How do you feel without makeup?
I feel like me but with better features hehe :)

3. What do you like about makeup?
I love that you can enhance what you want and hide what you don't what noticed as much.

4. Three holy grail items:

Okay now on to who I tag!

Nereida at
Alex at
Natalie at
Kim at
Sik at
Betti at
Denine at
Vanessa at
Chelsea at
Jessica at
Pillar at

Wow LMAO!! This is going to be hard to tweet hehe :)

If you have already done this tag YAY! If you haven't done this tag Let me know down below and I will add you to this list so I can check out your tag!

Was fun! until next time.

Thanks for reading and have a great day!


When Disaster Strikes a Bloggers Survival Tip!

Sometimes life can throw us for a loop, we can be on track one minute then disaster strikes! You got a sick two year old and you feel it coming on yourself or the car beaks down and the whole family's schedule is turned upside down, Last minuet plans need to be made and your in the center of a whirlwind with all eyes on you asking what do we do now? STOP!

Who has time to right a post about a great hair product you found? or that new palette that your just dying to share?

Not me and this got me thinking. LOL you know whats coming right?

When Disaster Strikes!

What to do when you don't have time to post!

Now, I know I touched on the subject of writing posts in advance and you can read that here.
What I am talking about is a bit different, I am talking about a backup plan while you are in motion. Let's say you have to go out of town for a family emergency or you are surrounded by people who don't know or wont understand your blogging. What to do?

Keep things going blog side!

Create at least a weeks worth of Generic posts on hand, Now what I mean by generic is something that has nothing to do with a season or a certain time of year. NOT TAGS! Tags are your fillers between your regular posts and you should do them as soon as you can to be considerate to the person who tagged you.

A hair, manicure or even doing a from the archives post is great! You can also laugh at how silly your first posts were.

Have a guest blogger! Have a Blogging buddy write a post for your blog and send it to you via Email Then up can upload it all from your smart phone. As a blogger Spot light. These are generic timeless posts that are good no matter what time of year it is.

You can write these posts and keep them as drafts with no schedule date on them, so you can post them whenever you need them. Blogger also has an app incase your nowhere near a computer that allows you to post your drafts from your phone so that they look polished and thought out.

This will keep your blog going and keep your followers from wondering what happened to you!

What would be a few generic posts you will have on hand if disaster strikes?
Let me know down below!

Thanks for reading and have a great day :)


Sunshine Award part 2

I was tagged by Two beautiful bloggers  Micaylah at Beautiful jewel and Hope at Beauty & Bliss for the Sunshine Award! This award is given to bloggers who brighten your day and fun stuff like that. However I was already tagged for this award by 20/30 Glam you can see the post here.  Now I didn't do the post right the first time, I totally forgot about the 11 random facts!

Here are the rules for the Sunshine Award
Share 11 random facts about yourself.
Answer 11 questions the nominating blogger has created for you.
List 11 bloggers. They should be bloggers you believe deserve the recognition.
Post 11 questions for the bloggers you nominate to answer, and let all of them know that they have been nominated.

You see how I did not follow that rule! So that is the portion I will do in this post and second nomination :).

1. I hate raw tomatoes.

2. I am a cheep ass I want everything to be 5 bucks.

3. Between my husband and I we have 6 kids. 4 from me and 2 from him.

4. I have a very abusive love style I squeeze and I pinch cheeks daily, have you seen his face how not!

5. I love me some Crocs, so comfy :)

6. Don't talk to me until after I have had my coffee.

7. why is there a 7? I feel violated when someone uses my phone, like I might miss something.

8. I can yell very loudly, ask my kids.

9. I don't like to clean, but I want everything cleaned.

10. The more I continue with this tag, the more weirder I sound.

11. My blog has become my baby :)

Okay so that's, that! I want to thank my lovely nominators Hope and Micaylah for nominating me and I do suggest you check these Ladies out :)

Thanks for reading and have a great day!


Blog planning And how it can help!

My posts have been going the the direction of me sharing my ideas on blogging and what can be done to make blogging easier and efficient. And here we are once again, this time I am going to play a bit off of my last post "Understanding Your Beauty Blogger" which can be found here.

It has been very hard for me to Post as often as I would like. I do feel that at least 3 times a week is about right for any growing blog. This however is not including Tag posts, so 5 posts a week including 2 Tags.

Now any budding blogger knows that Social networking is key to building a blog. And as we have discussed before, it is not easy and can be very time consuming to keep up with. Not only do you have to write and design the post, you also have to let the world know you wrote it and the sooner the better.

When I get inspired, its like a wave of of hot thick chocolate that just carries me away, but I cannot post 7 posts in one day, they will get lost and may never be read. So I have to wait until the following day and the moment is gone. But This doesn't have to remain the problem.

Blogger lets you write posts and release them into the wild when ever you decide to. This can be done manually each time you decide or set a scheduled release.

Lets say you write three posts on a Sunday night when you have peace and quiet, and schedule the first to be released on Monday morning around 6 A.M, for those morning commuters, the second  to be released on Wednesday at 2 P.M for the moms waiting for kids from school and finally the Third to be released on friday at around 5 P.M for those last minute weekend plans that need a little inspiration.

All the while you're behind the scenes boosting your blog with tweets, pins, insta pics, comments and what ever else your doing to boost your blog. You could write great posts all day, but if know one knows about it, then its for naught. I always wanted to say that YAY me!

So one night a week of three posts can give you that extra time you need to do other things for your blog.

This has been difficult for me to accomplish, along with every thing else that can pop up in any given day in my life. So from now on I am going to be devoting 1 day of the week to a certain aspect of my blog. Here's what I have in mind. Note: these are examples and wont be carried out in any particular order, use what you like drop what you don't.

Sunday: Write 3 full posts ( photos, editing ,etc) Set their schedule for release. Remember if your blog is affiliated with another site E.g Lucky Mag, Glipho, etc. You will have to Release them on that day, but its just a click so not to much work.

Monday: Twitter, Instagram, Pintrest, Google+ and any other social site.

Tuesday: Blog hopping and commenting on other blogs! Always leave a link behind a thoughtful and meaningful comment.

Wednesday:  Answer all comments made on your blog.

So with just 4 days out of the week you have kept up with everything you needed to do as a active blogger without feeling overwhelmed. This can also be applied to a YouTube channel as well.

Think of a T.V Series, those are filmed months in advance and yet we can't wait for the next episode or the next season to begin.

This is just a thought in my head as to how to make all of this happen without me going nuts.
There are many free blog planners online for download and apps for smart phone that can help with planning future posts.

I hope this helps!
What are your thoughts on creating a plan similar to this?

Personal Stuff:
I am currently trying to find a space in my home to blog and Vlog without having to bounce around the house like a crazy person, I am so scattered :/.

Thanks for reading and have a great day!


Understanding Your Beauty Blogger

Beauty bloggers try out new makeup and beauty products, write a posts on the products and then sit there and wait for your comments. NOT!!

Many beauty bloggers don't just blog all day. Some have work, families, spouses, partners, pets and a million other things they do besides blogging. 

On average every beauty blogger has at least 8-10 blogs they themselves follow. 
That means 8-10 
posts they read and comment on every other day. 
Tweets that need to be retweeted.
Instagram pics need to be liked.
Facebook statuses need to be updated.
Emails need to be read including junk mail!
YouTube videos need to be watched and commented on.
And If you are associated with another affiliate site them double that!

These things are all needed to stay up to date in the beauty blogging community.

Not including the interruptions while doing all of this, the Kids, Pets, Husbands,Wives, Partners,  Neighbors, Family, Friends, heck even food can be a problem.

So If your beauty blogger doesn't respond right away don't fret! It's probably a sock that got stuck in the washing machine or the baby putting his toys in the heating vent. He or she hasn't forgotten about  you!

Beauty bloggers aren't fashion models with stacks of makeup products laying about. Wow that sounds amazing! Sadly that isn't the case.

They are everyday people just like you, who seem to have a passion for something they love writing about and sharing with you and the world. 

Posts take time to write, taking photos, editing photos, creating a header, deciding on a title, making sure all the links are correct, Trying to figure out how to describe the color green or the feeling of the newest face product.

For example this post has been in my head for over a week now. Going over, how should I word it? What is the message I am trying to send? What do I want it to mean to the reader? And so much more!

Beauty bloggers come in all shapes, sizes and colors. Find one or twelve that you feel connected with.
One who feels the same as you do about certain things. You don't like MAC products? Find a Beauty Blogger who doesn't use MAC. Your a drug store only makeup junkie? find a drug store Beauty Blogger.

You have to understand your beauty blogger. So the Beauty blogger can understand you and your wants, needs and expectations.  

So please be kind, be patient, be understanding to your beauty blogger. We are people too :). 

Thanks for reading and have a great day!

Midnight Madness

Well, I did it again. I went to Walmart at midnight, actually its the only time I like to go, its just me and the super store. My Walmart has a horrible beauty section, but its all I got for now. So I often wait till baby is a sleep and my 15 year old  and I go to Walmart. I do get the motorized cart of course, because it the only time I get to use it. I always feel there will be an old guy that needs it more then I do to get to the pharmacy.

I think I know every section of my Walmart beauty section, I go up an down those aisles like 3 times a week. Sad, but true. So getting back to this post! I bought me some goodies I wanna share with you guys, some are favorites I needed to restock and some are new and shiny!

Oldies but Goodies!

Dr Teals Olive Oil bath and body treatment. I love this after a shower. I haven't applied lotion to my skin in over 6 years since using body oils. I apply them while still wet, I squirt a hand full and split it between my arms and one more hand full for my legs and spread it around from neck to feet. I do not rub it in, but let my skin soak it up. I stay wrapped in a towel during makeup and hair. By the time I am  done I have soaked it up. I truly love this method And I highly recommend you try it and if you do Please, let me know.

Tree Hut Shea Butter Body Scrub in Coconut Lime. This is a great product and it feels amazing! Like there are a million little scrubbing scrubbers scrubbing you down. Wow, let's say that again. Scrubbing scrubbers scrubbing. ha! The smell is phenomenal, not to coco-nutty and not to limey, just clean. I use this like three times a week. If you don't like a oily feeling you should rinse this off with a shower gel afterwards.

New and Shiny!

Coty Airspun Loose Face Powder. I have never used this product before, but I have heard some awesome things about this product. This powder claims to hide fine lines, wrinkles, blemishes and softens the skin. It also claims it can be used as a foundation and not just a setting powder. I am going to be using the face powder to set my concealer under my eyes, then we shall see whats up. 

Palmers Olive Oil Formula Gro Therapy. Now I heard that Olive Oil is good for helping hair growth. I am trying to grow mine out. I am using growth shampoos and they are helping but I wanna try to boost it just a bit. I honestly cant describe the scent, but I know I like it. So I am going to try this And will let you know how it goes.

Garnier Ultra-Lift Anti-Wrinkle Firming Eye Cream. I haven't used this guy yet and for the price it wasn't to bad for an eye cream and the jar is so tiny and to cute for words. Okay, so now I have two eye creams, you know what this means! Comparison review! I have to say the truth, this guy smells amazing and feels like love on your eyes. So we will see how this goes.

And that my friends is all. Have you used any of these products before?

Thanks for reading and have a great day!


Come with me drug Store haul

Okay, so I went to Walgreen's yesterday and I picked up 2 count them 2 products. I picked up The Merlot Grape Seed Eye Cream and the Rimmel of London face Primer.

I loved the eye cream and couldn't wait to do a review on it, but when I got on the inter-webs I find out that My girl Liz did a whole review on it on her blog and shes having a give away!  So me being the lazy squid that I am, I will tell you its all true and then send you to her blog! So go check out her review and awesome give away on her blog at myprettyobsessions.

I didn't like the primer it was the 001 primer version and it has a flesh toned tint to it and I just didn't like the way it felt on my face. So I went back to Walgreen's today to exchange it. I got the one I actually like, its the 002 primer and it goes on white finishing clear and it feels like heaven!

I also picked up the Lasting Finish by Kate Lipstick on the color 109. It is this pinky tangerine mauvy color. I love it! It goes on so smooth and yummy, it smells like lipstick and the packaging is so cute.

I decided to film my adventure to the drug store so , Lets Go!

Thanks for reading and have a great day!