
Why I switched to CommentLuv

Hello, My Beauties!

I recently changed my commenting system on my blog again! I m always searching for new ways to make my blog user friendly and blogger helpful! Not only do I want you to visit my blog, but I want you to leave it feeling satisfied and like you accomplished something :) 

Why I switched to CommentLuv

We all visit blogs, comment and follow right? or am I the only one doing this? Okay I will admit I have been very lazy in the commenting part, but I promise I have visited. The main reason I don't comment and I have ranted about this before, is that damned captcha box, I HATE IT! I dont want my visitors to go through the torment I go through when visiting my favorite blog, so I removed the default commenting system. and went with Disqus.

I liked Disqus for its ease of use, spam filter and the fact that anyone can comment without having a G+ account. However, I noticed that when visited certain blogs on the Wordpress side of the world, they have an amazing commenting system, called Commentluv.

Now we being arch enemies with wordpress, we meaning blogger users we cannot have the commentluv plugin on our blogs, BUT! there is a big BUT here. The people who make commentluv created a second version of commentluv called intense debate that can be placed anywhere you can copy and paste a HTML code and that means US! 

Why switch? Well, I switched because I love that fact that when you post a comment, it automatically posts the Title and Link to your most recent post! How awesome is that! Now every time someone comments on my page I get to see what they recently posted and so can the other visitors to my blog. 


I feel this method of posting benefits everyone blogger and visitor alike! I love this concept and hope other commenting systems catch on, I also love that fact that you can use your twitter or facebook account to leave a comment! Don't have a G+ account no problem, Don't have a Wordpress account? No problem, just sign in with either facebook or twitter! how cool is that! I know I am getting over excited over a commenting system, but I love it haha.

To install this system you will need to mess with HTML and your blog TEMPLATE so be careful, just follow the instructions and you should be fine. heres the link!