
Friday Flakes, Fab & Fails

It's FRIDAY!! Don't you just love Friday's? I love them, they are so liberating :)

Anyhoo, meanwhile back on the ranch...

I am going to share with you three products that fall into three categories for me Flake, Fab and Fail.
I do my best to love all my products, but sometimes, geez, they just don't work out. And here we are.



I tried so hard to Love this Palette, but I just can't. It's dry and chalky and the colors are barely there. For some reason BH Cosmetics arent what they used to be. A fellow Blogger Cella Paz Mentioned this and not that I didn't trust her, but I though it was maybe just a dud, alas this wasn't the case. 



WOW, is the only word that comes to mind when I use this mascara. I got this as my birthday freebie from Sephora and I am in love!  I will have to buy the full size when I am through with this deluxe sample size. It coats every lash and thickens them up. The brush is shaped like a tear drop and is able to coat those inner eye lashes that are hard to get with another mascara. It doesn't get dry or make your lashes feel brittle.I do strongly suggest you do the bottom lashes first, because it take a min to dry, but once it does it's amazing.



I am so disappointed in this palette. The colors are beautiful, but they don't show up when applied and the chalkiness is evil! The blushes apply very spotty and you have to layer them to see any color. Even though this was only 5 bucks it is still a dud. The packaging is adorable, so it has become a decor item rather then a usable item on my vanity.

So there you have it. Friday Flakes, Fab & Fails, until next week :)

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Ticked Off Thursday!

Well, its Thursday and as you can tell I am ticked off!

I am going to share with you the things that tick me off and being an interwebs chic.

Blog following

It ticks me off when people visit a blog and ask for a follow or sub, then say if you follow me I will follow you back. WTF is that? Most bloggers follow back whoever follows them, at least I do. So follow the blog and get followed back! Don't make me jump through hoops to follow you. make it easy and all will be well.

Maybe I am just lazy, but going through my emails is way easier then having to search the net for you to follow you! And most smart phones don't show the follow button when viewing from your phone. But if you follow the blogger will get notified and click the link to follow back. So simple, so nice.

Blog Wars

WTF is this! we are not on a playground anymore fighting for a swing. I know you have to be aggressive to get ahead, but come on this is just mental. I don't see how this makes any sense or benefits anyone. The way I see it is like this. We blog about our passions and hope that one day we can do what we are passionate about for a living, right? Well so is everyone else! Now If I have a group of friends and one is finally getting somewhere and making a name for themselves and I am going to bash them? NO! why? because this person is a colleague of mine and if they mention me or TAG me or anything on their way up, I get some PR work done for free and everyone wins! I am truly happy for my friend and I get a mention hear and there. No harm, no foul. So be nice to people they may pass you by or take you with them on the way up.


I am all for a good giveaway and I do enter many of them. But what ticks me off about them are the people who enter them.  the rules in any giveaway are to Follow, subscribe, like and tweet so far. But people are unsubbing and unfollowing after the giveaway is up! SO all that hard work all that networking is for nothing!

Now, I know that if the giveaway host is someone I wont follow after the giveaway I wont enter plain and simple. I enter because I like you and what your giveaway. A lot of times my blog friends have giveaways and I don't enter, not to be a bitch but, to give someone a chance that doesn't know them or their blog, YouTube channel a chance, what I will do it tweet about it and share the giveaway but not enter.

I know their are more things that tick me off but I cant think of them right now, so I will save them for next time.

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Summer Hair Inspiration

Hello, Beautiful!

And welcome to Thursday, Thursday. I cannot believe how the weeks are just flying by and spring is coming! I'm so happy that the winter is coming to a close :) 

I really have no idea what I am going to talk to you about today, so I am just going to ramble, 
if you don't mind.

I have been trying to grow out my hair, its working and no, I am not putting anything on it. I am however cutting it at the nape of my neck every friday. This is something my Grandmother did for us all the time and I dont know why, but it works. I have also been using thickening shampoos because my hair is kinda on the thin side so I do have to tease it to get some volume in it.

This is the style I would love to have for the summer or something close to it haha :)

Summer Hair Inspiration

Summer Hair Inspiration

Summer Hair Inspiration

Summer Hair Inspiration

What do you guys think of this on me? should I also add the Ombre? Let me know what you all think!
If you have any suggestions for hair thickening please let me know :)

Also heres a video of my most recent eye look, enjoy!

Images Courtesy of Google Images

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Insecurities, Confidence and Self Esteem.

Hello my beauties!

Wow, this has been a busy week for me with filming and sampling products I have been literally running in circles. Today I wanted to talk to you about something that has been weighing heavy on my heart. This subject touches all of of at one point or another and I wanted to share my views on this matter.

Self confidence or self esteem is something I have been thinking about a lot. I am not a big hater, but I do hate, hate. I hate when people make each other feel bad or even even worse worthless.

To me everyone is beautiful in their own way, we all have our own special qualities that make us unique, one of a kind. And this is something we should celebrate not discriminate.

But more importantly I want to talk to the girl that feels she isn't Pretty, the girl who feels she isn't Smart, the girl who feels she isn't funny or cute, or skinny, or tall, or popular, or anything else she feels is wrong with herself. Yes you! And yes me too!

You are special there is only one of you among a bagillion, gagillion people in this great big world! And that's pretty special. Its okay for you to feel insecure at times, we all do at some point and this is okay. If you didn't feel insecure then something would be wrong.

Insecurities, Confidence and Self Esteem.

Marilyn Monroe one of Hollywood's greatest had insecurities about her abilities to perform.
Everyone at some pint her her sexy renditions of Santa baby and happy birthday to J.F.K 

Insecurities, Confidence and Self Esteem.

Audrey Hepburn A Fashion Icon and Actress Had insecurities about her body image! 
Can you believe Ms. Holly Go Lightly herself had doubts about her amazing figure.

Insecurities, Confidence and Self Esteem.

Gotta Love Adeles Attitude on insecurity. She is no size two, but she has a voice that will bring you to tears and move you so deeply, that you wont care if she sings naked!

Insecurities, Confidence and Self Esteem.

Knightly has a few insecurities herself and she made out with Orlando Bloom! Beat that!!

Insecurities, Confidence and Self Esteem.

Madonna Is known to have insecurities regarding her body Image and she wore cones as a bra!

Insecurities, Confidence and Self Esteem.

Winslet has insecurities about her body image and I can't even think of how uber fantastic she is.
She has has her fair share of leading roles in major motion pictures.

Everyone has insecurities, it is human. Learning to over come them is the key.

Insecurities, Confidence and Self Esteem.

Insecurities, Confidence and Self Esteem.

Insecurities, Confidence and Self Esteem.

 It's about knowing who you are and what your worth, even if you don't know it right now, one day you will.
So stay strong little beauty and know you are very special, indeed.

All Images courtesy of Google Images.

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Adding Adding a domain name to Blogger with Godaddy

Adding Adding a domain name to Blogger with Godaddy can be pretty difficult, so I decided to show you how to do it step by step.

A-records which point to four different Google IPs.

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Skinetica Anti-Blemish Toner Review

I was sent a bottle of Skinetica Anti-Blemish Toner for review. 
All thoughts and opinions are my own. enjoy :) 

Skinetica Anti-Blemish Toner Review { The Makeup Squid }

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A day in the life of The Makeup Squid

So, I am sitting here face washed, P.J's on, kids sleeping editing a video on a review I did for a YouTube video and I went over my day in my head. With all the craziness that it entailed and all the special moments that snuck in here and there.

A day in the life of The Makeup Squid

I curled my hair this morning trying to get some life into it.

A day in the life of The Makeup Squid

I filmed three videos in one fell swoop, yay me :)

A day in the life of The Makeup Squid

Had some coffee with my honey, Did I ever tell you I can't order coffee at StarBucks! I just describe what I want to the Barista and they tell me the name, but I always for get it hehe:)

A day in the life of The Makeup Squid

It was cold today my eyes watered all day and I think I am allergic to latex, everytime I wear lashes my eyes get watery, so I have to find a latex free lash glue, any suggestions will be appreciated.

A day in the life of The Makeup Squid

This is me doing my best Pee Wee Herman impression, I have a three year old, so you know.

A day in the life of The Makeup Squid

This was alans first time at StarBucks, He spilt his hot chocolate at the pick up counter and they gave him a replacement saying Oh, know I split my coffee, shhh we ain't telling him its cocoa.

He has the best expressions.

A day in the life of The Makeup Squid

The only guy I know who drinks coffee (Hot Cocoa) with a straw.

A day in the life of The Makeup Squid

So good had to snap it twice :)

A day in the life of The Makeup Squid

My daughter, who made me bring her back to the StarBucks because 
she couldn't believe I went without her.

A day in the life of The Makeup Squid

She had to pose for this one because, she wants to be fabulous and skin care has become her new obsession. Apparently all the fabulous people go to StarBucks.

Well that was my Sunday, it was a good day.

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