
Makeup and Beauty Products

Hi guys.

I writing this to let you all know whats been going on with me.
As you all know my family and I have moved. The move itself went well, but life has taken a turn for the worst. Things aren't going to well for us right now and I probably shouldn't be sharing this with you guys, but it is my blog and I can say what ever I want.

I do think of my blog, my YouTube channel and all of you wonderful people.
But the truth is my mind is going in seven directions at one time, I am not as focused as I used to be on the things that made me happy Like this blog. I miss posting everyday, I miss interacting with all of you.

I am not saying this because I want pity, I am saying this because I have to let it out.
MAKEUP! Have to say that every now and then this is a beauty blog after all.

I am not giving up or throwing in the towel, I love this too much to let it go.

I guess I am writing this to let someone, anyone know that you need to be thankful everyday for what you have. Life is short and it moves faster then you think. Everything you know can be taken away in a heart beat and not only are you confused of where to start, but also how to start rebuilding a life you have lived for so long.


You look at yourself in the mirror and you wonder who is the person staring back at you. Where did she go?
The grass isn't always greener on the other side, sometimes there is no grass.

And you keep going, you keep chipping away, never giving up. Waiting for that moment of clarity hoping you don't snap before it arrives. And then you have to be the strong one telling every one it will be okay, because you don't want them to worry, when in reality you don't really know, you don't have all the answers.

Just because something looks pretty and more inviting doesn't mean it will be all those things.

I am not going anywhere. I am still here.
I just have to figure out how I am going to get through this in one piece.

Sorry for the rambling,
Laurie M.