Showing posts with label syndication. Show all posts
Showing posts with label syndication. Show all posts


Get your blog posts syndicated to FaceBook and Twitter automatically

If your a blogger, then you know how hard it is to constantly update your FB and Twitter accounts with your current blog posts. I have found a solution to this problem. You no longer need to do anything but write and publish your post. That's it.

Today I am going to show you how to syndicate your blog to Facebook and Twitter automatically. There is also the option to add your blog to linkdin if you have it.

This option is through a site called Networkedblogs, they are similar to Bloglovin.
You can follow and get followed very easily through a widget that you can add to your blogs side bar.

Here are the steps for syndication.

1. Sign up with
2. In your blogger tools section you will see a link for syndication.
3. Add your Facebook and twitter accounts.
4. Done.

Now when ever you publish a post Facebook and Twitter send out the message that you have a new post up!

The good thing is that on face book it isn't just a link to your post, its actual a small snippet of the actual post so your readers can get a glimpse of whats inside.

I really do like this idea way better then me looking like I am advertising my blog.

What Websites are you currently using for syndication?

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