Showing posts with label shaving. Show all posts
Showing posts with label shaving. Show all posts


The Reasons why I use a mans razor

Okay, I have been shaving with a mans razor for over 5 years now. Why? Well the truth is I shave daily no matter what the season. If I don't shave in the shower I just don't feel like I did it right OCD anyone?

It started with showering with my Venus and I needed a refill, but didn't have any, but my guy did so I clipped one in and used it. Oh My Goodness!

What a close and wonderful shave it was and I have never gone back since. I even have my Squid-let using a mans razor for legs, underarms and bikini area.

The Reasons why I use a mans razor:

1. Men shave more then the average women does, so their blades are more pronounced then a woman's razor.
2. They are made to stand up to daily uses and have longer blade life then a woman's razor.
3. They are often a dollar cheaper then a woman's razor.

facial skin is different then leg skin and a mans razor is made for a very delicate yet durable area, so it will perform better, more precisely.

Since using a mans razor I also have not found the need to use a shaving cream, I just shave at the end of my shower to make sure the heat has softened my skin and I have exfoliated my legs.

I don't need to refill very often either maybe about once a month at a shower a day.

Here is how I extend my blade life:
I only expose my blade to water when I am using it.
I thoroughly clean it after every use, running it under water, tapping it out on the shower wall and blowing it out removing any excess water.
I keep it high on the shower stall so that when other use the shower it won't be exposed to any water.

This keeps my blade clean and dry waiting for my next shave.

When it is time to renew I never buy the cartridges, I just buy a new blade.
A new blade goes for around $9 and it includes 2 blades as the cartridge refill goes for around $13
So for $9 bucks I am getting 2 months worth of shaving!
I promise you will see the difference and you will love it!

I hope this helps in anyway.

have you ever used a mans razor for a shave? How did it go?

Thanks for reading!
Have a great day :)