Showing posts with label hiding. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hiding. Show all posts


Hiding from the Little Diva.

Siousxie Blue J.

This is Siousxie, She is my niece by marriage. She is 5 years old going on 16.
Siousxie loves makeup and beauty just as much as I do, so much that I have to hide all my makeup and beauty products from her.

Siousxie applies eyeshadow and lipskip, Thats right Lipskip everyday.
Shes dresses herself in the latest fashion.

Her hair is past her bum and always open except at bed time that's when its in braids.

When visiting our family, we usually have to hide all chap-stick, moisturizer and other products from her.
Shes like a midget ninja and you wont know when she strikes!!

The best is when she plants herself in front a mirror and gives a full tutorial, as if she is talking to all her YouTube fans. And my personal favorite the makeup collection.

I plan on doing a video with Siousxie for my channel while I am here, but until then I wont be applying any makeup in fear of the little diva.

Siousxies MOTD

Siouxsie gets all my hand me down products that I just don't care for anymore.

Do you have a little Diva in your life?