Showing posts with label Niche. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Niche. Show all posts


How to get real twitter followers

how to get real twitter followers

When I started my twitter account @themakeupsquid I had a following of 0.
No friends to call and say hey! follow me. No one.

Currently I stand at 1500+ I have only been on twitter for around 3-4 months now and today I am going to share with you how to get real twitter followers.

I know there are sites out there who say they can I've you tons of followers for a price, BUT!
I can promise you they won't interact with you and they probably won't me around much longer.
Millions of these accounts get deleted daily by twitter for spam, so you will just end up spending your money.

Before we begin your twitter reign lets go over some things.

1. Do you have a niche? If you have a niche you want to be followed and follow people within your niche.

2. Do you have your profile setup? When ever I follow or get followed I always look at the profile of the account holder. I check for a website, followers, followed, picture, recent tweets. These things tell me if this is a spam account or an actual person.

3. Do you have your Facebook account linked to your twitter? Before you do so please know that every tweet, retweet and  favorite will go to your face book time line. I personally like this in the fact that it keeps my Facebook page active even when I haven't looked at it in days. This is your preference and up to you.

Now that we have covered that let move on.

How to get real twitter followers

Go to someone in your niche this could be anyone, but you don't want a big name with 15k followers because you will get drowned out. Look for someone that has 1200 followers go to their followers the people that are following them and just go down the list and follow those people.

The reason you are following them is because they are interested in your niche and will most likely follow you back. Don't follow all 1200 in one day follow around 50 from that one person.

Twitter lets you follow and unfollow 150 people a day. You don't want twitter to flag you for spam so don't go crazy with the following.

Do this again in a day or so to someone else within your niche lather, rinse repeat.
If you continue this for a few days your followers will grow.

Interact with your followers, retweet, thank your new followers for following publicly not in direct message.
This way their followers will see they followed you and may want to follow you too!

After the first 500 followers I stopped doing the follow thing and my twitter now has a life of its own.
I always make a rule to follow back and check often for people who have stopped following me and have returned the kindness. A**holes.

If you would like you can follow me on twitter I always follow back.

Good Luck!

If you liked this post please let me know what you think!
Please like & share and dont forget to follow :)


Whats a Niche? Do I need one?

If you are blogging you have probably heard the phrase "your niche" floating around.

Well today I am going to explain what a niche is, as well as if you need a niche to blog.

I Personally don't feel you need a niche, but the blogging Gods say that you do.

You can expand your niche, I have a beauty blog that I used to add blogging tips and tricks to.
And actually those were my most responded and viewed posts.

But I did not like that  I was writing more about blogging tips than beauty.
So I created a second blog that focus more on blogging advice and the whole makeup of my beauty blog.

So the Gods are correct a niche is needed.

A niche covers your subject matter, Makeup, fashion, family, food. Pretty much what ever your passionate about is your niche.

Do you need to be an expert? Nope.
As long as you love it, you can write about it.

You can expand your niche from "makeup" to "nail colors" and so on, but it should stay within your boundaries. Don't write and Makeup and Fishing, unless your write about wearing makeup while fishing.

If you liked this post please like & Share. It Makes me happy :) Laurie M.