
Dreaming Your Dream

A Dream is a wish your heart makes, so says Princess Aurora in Disney's Sleeping Beauty. 
I believe this is true and I also believe our dreams aren't easy to follow.

Life can surprise us and take us for a loop, turn us upside down and inside out in a second.
If you're still passionate about your dream after all of that, then its worth pursuing. There are times when I question what I do, with so many people asking why do you do this if it serves no purpose to you.

The problem is, they don't see what I see. They don't see my long term goal or my vision becoming a reality.
Are you going to give up on what I want because someone else can't see it? 

Dreaming your dream is what makes it all worth it.
So you keep dreaming little dreamer.

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  1. What a great inspirational post Laurie!

  2. Yes girl! Do what you do! Lots of people see this as "serving no purpose", but it truly does for those that understand what we are doing and why we do it. If you have a passion and a dream, go for it!! The only people that can hold us back are ourselves. <3

  3. love your post dear !! you are very true about it .. mostly I don't say to people about what i am doing , because I can't handle the criticism. I believe in that " the dream that you wish will come true " :) xx
